My mom asked for fabrics in pink, purple or gray colors and I found this eggplant colored quilting cotton by Jennifer Sampou, from her line "Studio Stash" (for Robert Kaufmann Fabrics).

I added a zipper pocket to the back since she wanted to be able to store change somewhere. In Germany we pay a lot more in cash and therefore it is good to have a pocket for coins. My travel sleeve would have been to small to add a zipper pocket anyway but hers had just the right dimensions.

I hope my mom will like her new little purse. Since I will be going home again for Christmas this year (yay!!) she will have to wait a few more weeks until she gets it. I prefer to give it to her in person instead of shipping it. She can look at these pictures in the meantime :)
If you like this sleeve feel free to check out my free tutorial that I made back in February. Happy sewing :)